Pet and Passion: Snapmaker’s Summertime Hangout Video Contest Winners

Congratulations to the winners of the Pet & Passion Video Contest!
We are thrilled to announce the winners of Snapmaker’s Pet & Passion Video Contest!
A big thank you to everyone who participated, your submissions for the Snapmaker Pet and Passion Summertime Hangout Video Contest truly captured the vibe and energy of summertime fun with our little furry ones!
In this blog post, let’s check out the 3 top scoring submissions, and welcome them to the Snapmaker Test Pilot Program – a special program for Snapmaker VIPs to help us test new prototype products before they’re released!
Best In Show: Hexatrick98
Best of Summer Award: Robota_Make
Most Creative Project: Baukeplugge1980
Welcome to the Snapmaker Test Pilot Program

Once again, congratulations to all the winners and a huge thank you to everyone who participated. We look forward to seeing more of your amazing projects in future contests!
Make Something Wonderful!
The Snapmaker Team