Childlike Inspirations from 10th Snapmakng Contest Entries
Hi makers,
We are super excited to announce the winners of the 10th Snapmaking Contest. In this round, to celebrate the 6th anniversary of Snapmaker, we encourage our users to create projects that awaken their inner child. Let’s see what it means to be “Remaining Childlike” to our users through their amazing entries!
1st Place: Glowing Violin Made of Cardboard by Joel Moir
Let’s hear what Joel has said about his work:
From the earliest age, I was a tinkerer and what you would call today a “maker.” After 25 years as a musician and IT consultant, a freak accident in 2019 left me with a traumatic brain injury and a significant permanent disability. The adjustment to life without paid work and the void of no longer having a profession – being ‘disabled’ – has been incredibly difficult. About 1 year ago, I stumbled across the Snapmaker in a catalog, and it changed my life. The A350T has allowed me to do something useful and creative at my own pace, practice my communication, maths, motor, and critical thinking skills, and help me with my confidence and self-worth.
The violin mandala is of my design and made of recycled materials – cardboard boxes, a sheet of balsa, acrylic, a used RGB LED strip, some scrap paper, and an old phone charging cable. The CNC and laser functions of the A350T cut the shapes. I then spray paint to color the layers and glued them together with PVC and a hot glue gun. It was a great joy to make and gives me hope that in the future I may be able to once again contribute to society.
2nd Place: Carbon-wrapped 3D-printed Bike by Justin de la Serna
What you see here is a fully 3D-printed carbon fiber strider/balance bike. All of the frame components were printed on the Snapmaker. The main frame would barely fit on the 45-degree. The bike itself is unique because there is not a single full suspension balance/strider.
3rd Place: Kaleidoscope by Lightning Bug Club
Do you remember how you played as a kid? This new Kaleidoscope encourages users to play in the dirt, pick some flowers, let a bug crawl over, and then scrape the magic dust collected from under the fingernails into the inspection slides to get a closer look through the scope. The curated collection is reflected back a hundred times in a way that convincingly transcends reality. This entire project was made possible by the unwavering efforts of my Snapmaker A350. From the 3D printed scope pieces to the CNC-cut inspection slides.
Lucky Prize: Liu Miao, Mariusz Dragan, and Lilian Chamontin
Liu Miao redesigned his daughter’s drawing into a piece of art.
This idea comes from one of the Snapmaker Academy tutorials. The photo frame has been printed by Snapmaker 3D Printing module and the layers were cut by Laser Module.

Mariusz Dragan has made this mechanical neon logo.
He created a beautiful video documenting the project. He did everything from design to printing, cutting, and post-processing. The video also features his ingenious idea of turning a tissue box into a switch, which is fantastic.
Lilian Chamontin invented something new for the kids to stimulate imagination: behold the KING SNAKE!
Let’s see what Lilian shared, “The king snake is able to transport essential persons and properties, even royal eggs! It can be of any length, although it requires a good 50 hours of snappy to add 6 additional wagons. Around 50 hours of CNC + 4 hours of manual work to fix some initial design issues and improve looks.”

Everyone’s interpretation of being childlike is different and there are several other very many creative and beautiful projects. Let’s take a look!
Animal wood puzzle used CNC and Laser Engraving functions by Eliott Lax.

Rubber Band Marksman Machine, and Rubber Band Combo Launcher by Paul Pozel.
It’s a very elaborate moving target for shooting rubber bands (with conveyor movement & linear track).

Marble Runs by lewvdesign
3D printed the gears and laser cut the wood for the marble to run along.
The Snapmaking Contest is a regular maker contest for Snapmaker users.
We are looking forward to seeing more exciting entries next time.
See you next time.