Snapmaker Artisan | Episode 1 | Next-Gen Linear Modules
Hi makers,
It’s been a long and arduous journey, and we are finally able to tell you the moment has arrived—the moment to unveil a new generation of 3-in-1 3D printer in front of you. After Snapmaker 2.0, we spent 516 days crafting a brand new product that aims to push the limit of what a 3-in-1 3D printer can do and named it Artisan. It can meet the needs of different fabrication scenarios and truly turn your desktop into a workshop. The high quality and high performance that Artisan has to offer can unleash your creativity and make you an Artisan of our time. Snapmaker Artisan is not simply an upgrade based on Snapmaker 2.0 but sets a new standard for 3-in-1 3D printers.

In July, we are going to publish a series of articles to unpack every aspect of Snapmaker Artisan. You will read about some amazing features that we really want to yell out, R&D stories of Artisan, considerations behind the product design, and how we’ve always treasured feedback from our community. We will traverse you through an exhilarating product journey!
Featuring the Linear Module, this article is the first of the “Snapmaker Artisan” series. The motion system is the backbone of any given fabrication machine. The performance of the motion system is closely related to the machine’s overall performance. Therefore, in the introductory episode, we would like to walk you through Next-Gen Linear Modules in Snapmaker Artisan.

Next-Gen Linear Modules
Widely applied in industrial sectors such as industrial robots and transportation equipment, linear rail is a device that ensures a piece of equipment strictly follows the desired path in both the vertical and horizontal dimensions. In the case of a 3D printer like Snapmaker, that equipment would be toolheads of 3D Printing, Laser Engraving and Cutting, and CNC Carving.
Let’s go inside our Next-Gen Linear Module to see what makes achieving micron-level accuracy possible. You might wonder why the accuracy of Linear Modules matters. To give you a bit of basics, it’s all about positioning the toolheads in the right place, which depends heavily on two essential components of a linear guide-bearings and the drive unit. In Artisan, we improve both components to optimize the performance of our Linear Modules. First, let’s talk about the bearings. Previously in Snapmaker 2.0, the bearings are a combination of linear rods and pulleys. The application of linear rods is common to see in many 3D printers available on the market. However, linear rods are less capable of providing a smoother motion with higher precision. Linear rails, on the other hand, allow for a more rigid motion mechanism. It is less susceptible to vibration and thus also reduces printing problems like ringing.
Instead of the regular linear rails, we introduce industrial-grade transmission technology to desktop fabrication—steel guiderails made by CNC grinding at micron level are embedded in Artisan’s linear modules.
As with the drive unit, we applied Gates high-end synchronous belts in the X and Y axes to optimize the lead, which boosts the power transmission efficiency while maintaining high accuracy and low noise level. Compared to the transport lead screw used in AT models, the leads of the X and Y axes of Artisan were increased from 20mm to 40mm.

Taken together, the improvements in bearings and drive unit take the performance of our Linear Modules to the next level. Both the straightness errors and flatness errors now measure within 0.04mm, whereas the positioning accuracy measures within 0.1mm. And how is this reflected in the performance of 3D printing and CNC carving? In a nutshell, Snapmaker Artisan can operate at a higher speed and achieve higher printing quality simultaneously by taking advantage of superior Linear Modules. If you speed things up, it can achieve ±0.1 mm dimensional accuracy at a high speed of 150 mm/s to 180 mm/s[1]. The new Linear Modules also secure steadiness for CNC machining.
To recap, all these lead to a significant rise in precision, rigidity, and durability, bringing you a fast, accurate, and steady-making experience. We are proud to say that Snapmaker is the first manufacturer to use embedded steel-guiderail Linear Module in the consumer 3D printer industry. We bring it to the table of consumer printers and deliver this industrial technology to individual makers worldwide.
So much for the first episode. Drop your thoughts and comments below. We’d love to hear! The next episode will feature the three new toolheads of Snapmaker Artisan. Stay tuned!
[1] The test result was obtained by printing a 100 mm × 100 mm × 100 mm cube with PLA filament, and using 0.4 mm nozzle. Dimensional accuracy may vary depending on the testing conditions and product iteration, and is for reference only.
This looks incredibly exciting! I am curious if this new machine will have CNC capabilities to machine aluminum/brass with the new leads. It’s always something I’d hoped would have official Snapmaker support. Looking forward to hearing more about this in the future!
Hi! More information coming out soon!
Will these improvements lead to an overall quieter printing process? I love Snapmaker and everything they can do, but the previous versions are quite loud in comparison to other dedicated 3D printers.
Hi Joseph~ this is a good question. Synchronous belts in the X and Y axes help maintain a low noise level!
Thank you! I’m really looking forward to this machine!
the features of the Artisan look very impressive! However, as a Snapmaker 2.0 A350 backer, who then upgraded to the “new” linear modules ($749), it’s disenfranchising to see a new iteration of linear modules and new version of the machine. I hope the Snapmaker team has plans to offer existing Snapmaker 2.0 (and 1.0) owners Artisan “conversion kits” for new features — e.g. dual extrusion head and quick-change tool head.
I thought the Snapmaker 2.0 linear modules were intended to be modular?? In that if one wanted to extend the print/build volume linear rails could be inter-connected. Is this no longer in the plans/works? Having a whole new iteration of the same product with enhancements (A350, F350T, Artisan) creates too many product lines that are not expandable or customizable. By the time customers receive the machine and get proficient (6-9 months), Snapmaker is onto the next product launch. I’d like to see Snapmaker investing R&D on enhancing the existing Snapmaker 1.0 and 2.0 platforms to create more customizable and configurable machines. At the current price and product launch rates, many customers are left behind and unsatisfied
Hi Dan, thank you very much for your feedback. We have shared some thoughts on compatibility! Please find it here:
Thank you for clarification. This new SM is going to be GREAT!
Can’t wait to to learn more about it!
ich hoffe, es ist ausgereifter als der Vorgänger
Is any of this going to be backward compatible with the 2.0?
What about all of the promised upgrades to the 2.0 yet unfulfilled – multi-filiment head, XL rails, etc. Why move on to a all new platform, when the promises of the current one remain unrealized? This is a good way to completely alienate your existing user base.
Hi Erin, good to hear from you. We hope you can read this letter to 2.0 owners:
There is no to ways about this. I am miffed. I own a Snapmaker 2, which I enjoy. Bought thet 10W laser, the new linear modules. Nobody at Snapmaker thought it even remotely important to let me know about this. As I said, quite disappointed.
Hi G.T., thank you for leaving your message! To 2.0 owners, we have something to say. Please read about it via this link:
Good news to see improvements!
How about noise? Really looking forward to that, it would make this printer perfect!
Hi Mario, we applied synchronous belts in the X and Y axes to optimize the lead, which boosts the power transmission efficiency while maintaining high accuracy and low noise level!
Will these rails be backwards compatible with SnapMaker 2.0 systems?
Hi David, you can check out the compatibility here:
Will these rails be backwards compatible with SnapMaker 2.0 systems?
Hi David, you can check out the compatibility here:
Good news, I wait to see more details
Good news, I wait to see more details
Started with the original and been there for 3 years waiting for a 400mm bed, now Artisan is coming I’m in….Can’t w8!
I have no interest in backwards compatibility as I don’t have any other versions 😀
Amazing ,, Can not wait to have it!
Amazing ,, Can not wait to have it!
Great piece of work mats!
Hace poco los conocí y ahora los desconozco del todo, son una maravilla lo que crean.
Hace poco los conocí y ahora los desconozco del todo, son una maravilla lo que crean.
Would help to be successful
Good Luck
Would help to be successful
Good Luck
Waiting untill i can win or buy it in europe
Hello, dear Snapmaker-bakers Community!
Ma name is Marc and have just bought a Snapmaker A350-Bundle, and my first impression is that the concept of Snapmaker is of excellent build quality but what I personnally dilike is that you d’ont have the opportunity to attach the Powermodule on the left or right from the Machine on the Baseplate – that means the System of the 3D Printer more compact and for people having not so yet place on her Desk like myself I prefer a compact module like the new Artisan series from your brand. But first I wanna assemble the rest of my Snapmaker A350, and tomorrow or on next sa^turday starting to use Luban 4.0 and printing my first gadget with this amazing machine… And I like to win a Artisan 3d Printer… Hope I have a little luck to win something here… Nice greatz from Luxembourg to all the people in this area and of course the entire Snapmaker- Team crew!
Hello again, I find personnaly the Design incredibly “state-of-the-art” and extremly modern from your new Artisan-series. Hope I get some little luck to win a prize here… Snapmaker is my first 3D Printer, and the assembly was very good described, and of course, just a remark – for placing the cables from the linear modules, the informations are not so good described in the handbook – but I show a video from it on YouTube, and with them I came forward to assemble it with a little bug of coffee and patience… Thank you to the Snapmaker-Team for packing some pieces of the 3D printer so carefully and safety! This was a very great pleasure to assemble it! And next week backing my first project…
Hello again, I find personnaly the Design incredibly “state-of-the-art” and extremly modern from your new Artisan-series. Hope I get some little luck to win a prize here… Snapmaker is my first 3D Printer, and the assembly was very good described, and of course, just a remark – for placing the cables from the linear modules, the informations are not so good described in the handbook – but I show a video from it on YouTube, and with them I came forward to assemble it with a little bug of coffee and patience… Thank you to the Snapmaker-Team for packing some pieces of the 3D printer so carefully and safety! This was a very great pleasure to assemble it! And next week backing my first project…
Hello I am obgyn and use 3d printers for making health care items
Looking forward to seeing this beastly machine in action. Looks kind of special to me. Will this be my 7th machine?
Looking forward to seeing this beastly machine in action. Looks kind of special to me. Will this be my 7th machine?
It is a great idea to combine 3 different function in one product. Before we use ender printer but we searching for better printers with bigger printing size. The function of mill is very interesting for us.
At the moment we develop a new game and use many 3d printing objects for our infraredsustem. Maybe in future we use for printing the snapmaker.
Awesome!! This would be life changing for us
Awesome!! This would be life changing for us
I am a snapmaker owner, and I would like to win the new Artisan