Stay positive and keep making
Back on June 8th, to encourage people to design during the New Normal in fun and inventive ways, Snapmaker teamed up with Wikifactory to run a lifestyle-improving competition called #safetoplay. We not only adapted to the New Normal, but also helped shape it.
#safetoplay design challenge
Exceeding our expectations, there were over 70 submissions participating in the contest! We couldn’t be more inspired after seeing all these awesome designs.
Designs were judged on clarity, aesthetics, material (such as antimicrobial copper) and creative interpretation of The World Health Organization’s advice on safe practices during the pandemic. After a series of discussions between all judges, we came out with a final result. A creative and aesthetic virus-resistant Soap Ring and a contactless sweets dispenser won the first and second places respectively.
Here’s what Sebastian (the first place) had to say when he received his prize, “I was going to tell you (Snapmaker) that the machine arrived yesterday in perfect condition! I haven’t stopped using it since. The truth is that I was impressed with the packaging and the quality of all the components. Without a doubt it was the best unboxing and assembly I ever did! Each piece in its place and everything perfectly labeled.”
Think and live positively
We have been encouraging our users to live in a positive way since the pandemic breakout and have donated masks including other necessities to our distributors and users in need.
We also designed the Snapmaker DIY Protective Gear in the hopes to help our users print healthcare equipment using their Snapmaker machines during dire situations.
Besides donating goods and materials, we also wanted to show emotional support to our users. A wife of one of our users, who was unfortunately infected by the coronavirus, reached out to Snapmaker to ask for a birthday present to encourage her husband. We immediately responded to her request and sent a lovely laser-engraved print.
During the hard time, instead of complaining about the virus or how boring it was to stay at home, the Snapmaker community was making good use of this special time to strengthen their skills like designing 3D models and finding the best set-ups to do their 3D printing, laser, and CNC projects.
Made by Gerwin Sturm with Snapmaker 2.0 A350
Designed by SLAIN
made by Christian Christo Bear Harris with Snapmaker 2.0 A350
Designed by Yngel
Some of them used their Snapmakers to voluntarily print face shields and ear savers for local healthcare workers, and door openers for neighbors, relatives and friends to help them stay safe.
Although #safetoplay has ended, the spirit of living positively in the New Normal still carries on. The world has eye-witnessed the power of makers. There’s strength in numbers, one team cannot do everything but together we can help make the world better.
Much love,
Team Snapmaker