15th Snapmaking Contest - Halloween Creations

Halloween is just around the corner, and what better way to celebrate than by using your Snapmaker to create some spooky and fun decorations/creations? In this round of the Snapmaking Contest, we challenge all Snapmaker users to create their best Halloween-themed projects.

From 3D printed ghosts and costumes to laser engraved pumpkins and CNC carved tombstones, the possibilities are endless. Let your imagination run wild and create something that will give your friends and family a fright this Halloween.

We can't wait to see what you come up with! Make something wonderful!

Contest Period: OCT 20 - NOV 20, 2023

Review Period: NOV 21 - NOV 29, 2023

Announcement Time: NOV 30, 2023


We're excited to share the 15th Snapmaking Contest winners with all of you! After carefully reviewing all the submissions with our StarMaker users and Snapmaker staff, we are here to announce the judging details and congratulate our winners:

1st Place: Evan Greene

2nd Place: Renee Haden-Knost

3rd Place: Lilian Chamontin

Community's Picks: Marty Earwood

Community's Picks: Randy Barthalamew Petersen

Cheers on winning the 15th Snapmaking Contest! Your talent and dedication are truly impressive. Keep up the amazing work! Thank you to everyone who took part in making this event a success. Keep an eye on our future events and challenges – your passion for creativity continues to inspire us!


Join the Contest

Upload via FormTo participate in the contest, please fill out the form here.

We recommend capturing exciting moments and documenting them through photos or videos to share with us when submitting your entry. In the form, we will collect a description, photos, and videos of your creative work, as well as your contact information.

Community's Picks - Showcase your creation to the Snapmaker community by posting photos/videos and a detailed introduction in the related Snapmaker's Original/2.0, Artisan, J1, or Ray owners groups or Snapmaker Forum. Use the hashtags #snapmaking and #halloween in your post to increase its visibility. By doing so, your entry will have the chance to be selected as one of the Community's Picks. Don't forget to provide the link to your post in the submission form to indicate your interest in participating in this award category.

Prizes, Rules, and Evaluation


1st Place

40W Laser Module

2nd Place

$300/€300 Coupon

3rd Place

$100/€100 Coupon

Community's Picks x2

$50/€50 Materials Coupons

Guidelines for Uploading
  • 1. Your entry must adhere to the Halloween theme.
  • 2. Include at least one main photo that fully showcases the attractiveness or excellence of your work. This main photo will be primarily used on our official website and social media channels.
  • 3. Feature the Snapmaker machine in at least one of the photos or videos to prove that you are a Snapmaker user.
  • 4. Ensure that over 80% of the components in your work are created using the Snapmaker machine.
  • 5. Consider how to best present your submission, including the quality of the description, photos, videos, etc.
  • 6. Provide accurate contact information in the form. We will use this information to contact the winners and distribute the prizes.

We will invite thirty top contributors from the Snapmaker user community, the community moderators team, and a small number of Snapmaker team members to participate in the voting process within the specified time frame. Based on the voting results, the Snapmaker community moderators team will select the winners for the first, second, and third prizes.

After the top three prizes are chosen, the Snapmaker community moderators team will decide who receives the Community's Picks based on the most likes/hearts on a post, including our Facebook owners group and Snapmaker Forum. The Community's Picks should not be among the top three winners.
  • • Originality
  • • Innovation
  • • Relevance to the theme
  • • Quality of presentation, including the description, photos, videos, etc.
  • • Why can’t I see my project in the contest gallery?
    Projects will be shown after getting approval, usually 2 working days after submission.
  • • Can I submit more than one project?
    Yes, but each participant can only win the prize once.
  • • Who should I ask questions about the contest or listed projects?
    Feel free to contact us via community@snapmaker.com
  • • How do I know if I win?
    We will contact the winners and distribute the prizes through email. We will also announce the results on our official social media accounts.
Terms and conditions
  • • The coupon codes only apply to Snapmaker official online store. They are valid for 3 months, exclusive of tax and shipping.
  • • The $50/€50 Material Coupon can be applied to any item under the Material category.
  • • Participants own the copyright of their entries.
  • • Participants violating the terms of the contest or cheating will be disqualified.
  • • We reserve the right to terminate the contest or change the terms of it at any time.
  • • By submitting the project, you agree that the Snapmaker team has the right to use your project for promotion, exhibition, or related purposes.